Sunday, November 2, 2014

Guest Speaker Derek Young

Hearing Derek Young’s resume was impressive. I couldn’t stop thinking about the amount of energy it would take to be him. The fact that he runs a Tacoma running club, works for the Center of Data Science, Exit 133, and many other entrepreneurial ventures is in one word, amazing. It was nice to hear the advice and experience he has had through all his years of working with so many different people in a variety of fields. After hearing of his success, I began to realize the importance of becoming technology literate. It seems that almost any type of work, writing, corporate jobs, even teaching, require a knowledge of technology. Unfortunately, for me, I am not majoring in a computer related field; and therefore, I am unsure how someone like me, a Writing Studies major, will acquire these skills. A worry I’m not sure how I am going to resolve. 

Derek Young inspired me to consider joining more community based projects or clubs. He stated that many of his connections are grounded in the network he has accumulated through his many endeavors. Many people would rather work with someone they know and trust rather than an unfamiliar resume that has no face. Derek stated that much of his work is advertised through word of mouth and connections, not expensive advertising. He also reiterated the importance of social networks. His running club was formed solely through social media and has hundreds of members today. Networking through social media is becoming a primary source of connecting with people. I am considering my social media image and what I should do to make sure that it is positive and in line with my future goals. 

I enjoyed listening to Derek’s talk. He had a broad knowledge of business and networking. His talk was beneficial and inspirational.

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