Friday, November 21, 2014

This documentary opened my eyes to the real people behind the .com's or .org's of the internet. I was quite a bit naive. Often times I have always assumed that there was some big cooperation behind a business, including an internet business. Had I seen a  site called "" on the internet, I would have thought that it was just another department of a fancy government agency, not a third-party start up selling an idea. I forget that real people are behind many of these great ideas. Watching helped me to realize that a person or small group of people can make big things happen.

I was so impressed at the tenacity, and drive that Keleil had, without his ambition for success the entire project would have failed. Kaleil seemed like the perfect mix of what it takes to achieve huge success in the business world. I like that although Kaleil was a hard ass, the documentary pointed out his human side. Not everyone  has the backbone to make the choices he had to make. In the end the business ultimately failed, but I do not think his success can be judged solely on that factor. He accomplished so much in the year that the business was starting, His successes should be based on that. I also believe that time was against him. Because of the dot.bust, the business was doomed to fail eventually, but not at the fault of Kaleil.

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